We value the privacy of our guests and website visitor. The information we collect from our guests and website visitors is used by Raga Svara to understand and serve their needs.
The information that can be used to identify you as an individual is referred to here as ‘Personal Information’. It can include, but is not limited to, your name, address, age, gender, personal financial information, personal lifestyle history and personal medical history.
The Personal Information that we collect is used to assist us in making your reservation, providing you with the services you request, meeting your retreat objectives and other needs while you are staying with us, and/or to allow us to contact you for matters that arise from your stay with us.
Sensitive medical or personal information is only shared when necessary, and usually only within the wellness team. Please let your consultant or specialist know if there is anything you wish them to keep confidential; however, this might affect their ability to provide certain treatments or services.
We may use the Personal Information you provide to stay connected with you post your stay at Raga Svara, we may send you information, assist with your wellness goals or send other information that may be of interest to you. We will discontinue sending such information on request.
Finally, we may use the Personal Information to contact you to request feedback of your stay and our retreat.
The Content on this website, including the information, text, images, sounds, graphics, links and all other information published or otherwise contained on this site are owned by, or licensed to, Raga Svara. Unauthorised copying, reproduction, distribution, display, transmission and use of content, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the explicit prior written permission of Raga Svara, may result in violation of the Intellectual Property rights of the relevant owners, who may initiate appropriate action against such violators.
Copyright © 2025 Raga Svara. All rights reserved.
Raga Svara owns and has exclusive rights on the logo and graphic design elements. These trademarks are protected from copying and imitation under national and international laws and may not be reproduced, copied or otherwise used without the express prior written permission of Raga Svara.
The information on this site has been included in good faith and is for familiarisation only. It should not be relied upon for any specific purpose, and no representation or warranty is given as regards its accuracy or completeness. Neither Raga Svara, nor its employees or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising out of any access to or use of this site or any site linked to it, including, without limitation, any loss of profit, indirect, incidental or consequential loss.